Monday, October 29, 2007

Mercy and Judgement-Something to Sing About

“I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.” (Psa 101:1 KJV)

At first glance it seems that the two things about which the Psalmist said he would sing, seem to be direct opposites. And the truth is they are! Yet both reside within the perfections of our God.

Our God is a God of judgment, and yet He is also a God of mercy! He has never, nor will He ever exercise mercy at the expense of judgement. And every time that he has ever exercised His judgment, there has been at the same time a demonstration of His mercy.

When he exercised his justice by expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, he demonstrated mercy, in that he kept them from eating of the tree of life, lest they eat and live forever in their fallen state.

When he exercised his justice in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, he demonstrated his mcrcy towards Lot, and his family.

The greatest example is of course the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. While pouring out His judgement upon His Son for the sins fo the world, He was demonstrating His mery for His people.

These are the things of which we should sing! We should be joyous in all of the perfections of our God, but these seem to be of greater significance to us.

May our hearts rejoice in both the mercy and the justice of our God.

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